Underhand Alpha-4b Released

A small update to correct a couple of things that were present in an unreleased build, which will remain that way due to a comical situation with the player and their newfound equipment. Find the downloads here, as usual Changelog… Read more

Future Build Security

Going forward, any builds i release will be signed with my PGP key, which you can find here. This is to provide additional protection when it comes to distributing software, as by verifying a package’s signature, you will be able… Read more

A Little Cleanup

You might’ve noticed that i have moved things around a little bit, and pretty much anything that isn’t a current project, like Underhand, has been filed away neatly in a single place. pyNotepad and TheRogue still have their own pages… Read more

Why do you Self-Host?

I often get asked why i self-host a lot of my apps and services, which is a good question, as the answer isn’t always that obvious to someone looking in from outside the hobby, despite what some people on certain… Read more

Underhand Public Alpha Released

The time has come for Underhand to get public releases. I truly cannot stress enough that the current versions of Underhand are considered to be Alpha releases, and the gameplay as it currently exists is very rough and unpolished. Bugs… Read more

Another Look at Underhand

Underhand is very similar to TheRogue in terms of look and feel, This is mostly due to the fact i am currently porting and reimplementing the core features in a modern Python version before i start working on brand new… Read more

Where have i been?

Nowhere, actually! Well, nowhere besides the usual places i frequent that is. I’ve slowly been plugging away at Underhand and a couple of other projects in my spare time where i can. One of those projects are a series of… Read more

First look at Underhand

I know i said i wouldn’t post anything to do with Underhand until it was ready to be seen, but i felt like a few screenshots couldn’t hurt. You’ll probably notice that it looks similar to early builds of TheRogue… Read more

Underhand Pre-Alpha

I mentioned a project called Underhand on TheRogue’s project page some time ago now, and it hasn’t occurred to me that i should probably go into further detail on that. Underhand was meant to be a total re-write of TheRogue… Read more