Where have i been?

Nowhere, actually! Well, nowhere besides the usual places i frequent that is. I’ve slowly been plugging away at Underhand and a couple of other projects in my spare time where i can. One of those projects are a series of… Read more

First look at Underhand

I know i said i wouldn’t post anything to do with Underhand until it was ready to be seen, but i felt like a few screenshots couldn’t hurt. You’ll probably notice that it looks similar to early builds of TheRogue… Read more

Underhand Pre-Alpha

I mentioned a project called Underhand on TheRogue’s project page some time ago now, and it hasn’t occurred to me that i should probably go into further detail on that. Underhand was meant to be a total re-write of TheRogue… Read more

What happened?

I shut the site down for a while due to financial issues, but i (rather stupidly) didn’t take exports of the posts and pages that were present at the time. I’d like to take a laid back approach, since I’m… Read more