Another Look at Underhand

Underhand is very similar to TheRogue in terms of look and feel, This is mostly due to the fact i am currently porting and reimplementing the core features in a modern Python version before i start working on brand new features.

That said though, there are a few things that are quite different, which I’ll admit are almost entirely graphical in nature, but probably should’ve existed in the first place.

The new inventory window is a little easier to read, due to it being opaque rather than slightly transparent, but it otherwise retains the much of the same functionality. The way the player picks up, drops, and selects an item to be used is largely the same as before, but i will be implementing a mouse selection feature eventually as well.

The Lightning Scroll item still strikes the closest target as it did before, but items that ask the player to select a target via a mouse click or keyboard input, such as the Confusion Scroll, now physically shows the targeted tile in a lighter tone, which makes what the player has selected more obvious.

Area of Effect items, such as the Fireball Scroll, now show the area it’ll affect as well as the central point of that area. Anything caught within the red border when the scroll is used will be subject to the effects of that scroll, which includes the player.

The Character Stats window has been dramatically simplified, right down to a handful of stats, such the character’s Level, their current XP and how much XP they need to level-up, and their Attack/Defense ratings. When a character levels up, they may choose to increase their current total HP by twenty, increase their Attack rating by one, or increase their Defense rating by one.

It’s unlikely that damage types will make a return, but i can say that implementing burning or slowing effects are quite high on the list of things I’d like to add. I am quite split on how i would like to reimplement weapon types, as they are quite hard to make unique but perhaps i could give them their own “effects” unique to them which they could apply when an attack is made.

The same could be said for the collectable coins enemies used to drop, which increased a total on the old character stats screen. These coins had no use other than keeping a running score of the enemies the player had defeated.

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